
Showing posts from 2009

Social Networking and the New Media

As I begin a new year of Media Literacy I think more and more about Media in the social networking arenas. Those of us who use Facebook see the prevalence of social marketing. If you have not seen it yet, checkout the ads on the side bar. You can choose the best type of ad to fit your needs! I sure hated those Zombie ads, so after clicking the thumbs down several times, I was finally rid of them and back to some ads I could mostly ignore! So what does this mean. Media awareness needs to be reconsidered again. Media pervades us not just from the large marketing companies, but from our peers.This also brings to our attention as educators that we need to consider these skills as necessity in media literacy. Remember, media literacy is not just about reading, comprehending and analyzing media, but it is also about creating media for sharing, learning and teaching. So lets get to teaching.. Gary Hamel discusses this in his recent article "The Facebook Generation vs....