It happens every spring. In Alaska our snow starts to melt, and we discover all kinds of things left, lost, and buried in different layers from the winter snow storms. I feel this is the same thing that happens to myself as a teacher as we approach spring. I begin to wrap up projects, self-assess on a larger scale, reflect upon the year and different events. Like items lost in the snow, I discover different projects or ideas started and forgotten, some probably a good idea that they were forgotten and some will be put on the slow cooker for next year. My poor, little blog is one of them. Every year, I dig it back out and tell myself I will return to blogging to share some of the materials, activities, ideas that I always have stewing. This year, I came across a lovely post from ISTE community to join Blogging Buddies . Timing was perfect! I have been clamoring all year (many referenced sticky notes and conversations) about the need for constant refresh from a PLN, but a gentle nud...
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