
Showing posts from March, 2013

Sketchbook Pro

We have been busy creating image collages with Art students using Sketchbook Pro on iPads. Students are generating lists of things that are about them and using pictures to represent them. We will be using this class word cloud to create a class collage. Extensions for this can be using them for Stories and tracking common words or vocabulary to learn more about a story as it moves through time.

ITT Reflections

Below is a self reflection of my progress as a first year ITT Content Section 1: Philosophy of Education Being an ITT, I believe my job is to provide support for teachers and students to utilize technology in their learning and teaching. In order for this to happen students and teachers need to see the technology as a tool to complete the learning or reach the learning process, other wise it is something added into the curriculum. So when I provide support for teachers, I work closely with them to help them to integrate technology seamlessly into content they are already teaching. We then discuss a variety of technology tools and possibilities until we can identify one that works best for the teachers and will help students meet and demonstrate the standards. Content Section 2: Respect for Individual and Cultural Characteristics  I have also found that where one tool works great for one teacher it may not be the right tool for another teacher, often because of individual...

Projects By School

Projects provided by Schools so Far West Valley High School iMovie: SPanish Poetry Glogster: Career Posters Google Docs: Writing Workshop  PowerCourse: Formative Assessments Copyright and Creative Common Lesson Hutchison High School PowerCourse: Assessment, Workshop, Discussion Board Turnitin: Research Paper Submission Socrative: Formative Assessment  Digital Citizenship Lesson Lathrop Smartboard: French Storytelling Google Docs: Writing Workshop PowerCourse: Formative Assessment PowerPoint: Warm-up Voicethread: Writing and Sharing North Pole High School  Google Sketch-up: Story Set designs iMovie and Voicethread: Spanish  iMovie: Presentation North Pole Middle School Voicethread: Telling your story iMovie: Poetry  GPS: Sharing written story and treasure Ben Eilsen:  iMovie: Re-inactment of Hamlet Turnitin: Writing and Editing iMovie: News Cast Foreign Language Apps on iPad Randy Smith Middle...

A day in the life of an ITT

As an ITT, instructional technology teacher, I find that my day is split between supporting teachers and modeling lessons. Below is roughly a week in the life of an ITT. Monday,  Jan 14, 2013 WV, HUT, RSM, RYN 7:30-8:00 Wendy for Edmodo Privacy Signature, Check in with Language arts Department Head, Check in with principal and librarian. 8:30-11:00  Teach a lesson at WV for iMovie and Copyright Lessons 11:15- 1:00 Support a teacher to learn how to add Copier Printers 1:00-2:15 Worked with a language arts teacher to learn to use Turnitin with students. 2:15-2:30 Met briefly at beginning of staff meeting to enroll participants for Google Apps and Venier Training.  2:30-3:00 Teacher canceled and rescheduled for Infographic Lesson, Edmodo Privacy Signatures Tuesday, Jan 15 th , Hut No School Ice Day 7:15-12:00 Canceled and Rescheduled iPad Pool Manager Training for Hutch Wednesday, Jan 16 th WV, NPH, RSM, RYN 7:15-8:30 PLC for WV Foreign L...