---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you have a fun technology lesson you will be doing in your classroom? Contact me and I can help be extra support in your classroom. Do you have an idea for a technology project but want help implementing it? Contact me and I can support you in planning and/or implementing. Do you want to try a new technology project but are unsure how to go about it? Contact me, I have lots of technology ideas that we can discuss. ————————————————————————————————————————— Two Lessons you Can Apply Across Content Areas: Choose your Own Adventure Google Forms: Remember the old Choose Your Own Adventure Novels? Help students create their own, whether it is for a science investigation or retelling an event in history. Lesson: https://docs.google.com/a/k12northstar.org/document/d/1yFJ07RppdaA2VPid6TWS4lMOVHf239uP386C25I5_YI/edit?usp=sharing Pres...