November Tech Tips, Tricks and Lessons

Do you have a fun technology lesson you will be doing in your classroom? Contact me and I can help be extra support in your classroom. 
Do you have an idea for a technology project but want help implementing it? Contact me and I can support you in planning and/or implementing. 
Do you want to try a new technology project but are unsure how to go about it? Contact me, I have lots of technology ideas that we can discuss. 

Two Lessons you Can Apply Across Content Areas: 

Choose your Own Adventure Google Forms: 

Remember the old Choose Your Own Adventure Novels? Help students create their own, whether it is for a science investigation or retelling an event in history. 

Create an Infographic:

Help students display their information in pictures. Infographics are graphic visual representation of information. Fitting for all content areas, students will need to understand information to display it visually. 


Canvas Tip: 

*Commons: Did you know that Canvas has a wealth of already created assignments, quizzes, and entire courses that are available for implementing in your course? Learn more about Commons here: 

Outlook Email Tip

* Outlook Email Archive: Did you know that you have an email archive of previous older emails. While logged into your webmail, scroll down and on the left and you will see a folder on the bottom that says "In Place Archive". Click on it, and you will have access to all of your old emails. 

*Ding, You have Outlook Mail: Do you want to get rid of the sound that Outlook makes when you have mail? In webmail go to the gear on the top right and select Options. Click on Settings on the left navigation bar. Scroll down and under Message Options uncheck “Play a sound when new items arrive.” 

YouTube Tip

*YouTube Teacher and Student Access: 
Youtube has changed on our school network. To access you YouTube follow the directions below. 

Google Drive Tips: 

Need to learn more about how to organize your Drive and have students share their work: 

Permission to Publish: 

Need to know if your students can be in a picture or video that is published. Follow these instructions to check for FERPA and permission to publish: 

Computer Woes: 

Back-up Your Computer: 
As we all know, our computers are getting older. It is always good practice to back-up your computer. It is better to do this sooner than later by either backing-up to an external drive, your school server or services like Google Drive or Dropbox. Please contact me if you need more help with this. Please do not wait to do this. 

Speed up A Computer: 

One of the best ways to speed up your computer is to organize and clean all of your files, back them up, and remove what you do not need. Next run the Disk Utility (Go to Applications, Utilities, and choose Disk Utility) and choose Verify and Repair Disk. On Windows, run the Disk Defragmenter (Go to Start, type in Disk Defragmenter and Defragment). 

Care for the Computer: 

Shut-down and restart your computer daily. Try to keep your operating system and apps updated. If you notice your computer is running particularly slow, close down apps that you do not need. Also try disconnecting from your school's server, if you are not using it. Be sure to disconnect from school servers at shut-down. Just right click and disconnect from server on Windows and on Mac move the server on the desktop to the trash.  If your computer is slow to restart, make sure you are not set to automatically connect to your school's server. 

Re-Imaged Computer Running Really Slow?

If you have a computer that has been re-imaged over the summer or recently, and it is running extremely slow, even after the above recommendations, please email me with your asset tag. I am creating a list of computers that fall into this category so we can better determine how to help. 


Lesson Ideas

Science/ Math: 

Noticing Tools: This website has a great suite of apps that help students investigate math and science through play, movement, design projects and collaboration. It has a wealth of lessons and activity ideas. From Playground Physics to Dancing and Geometry.  

Science (Biology): 
Use this app to participate in Citizen Science by collecting observations on wildlife. 

History/ Alaska Studies/ ELA: 

Why not take a virtual field trip using Microsoft’s Skype Directory of Field Trips. This would be great for exploring location areas in your novels, or understanding more about science from a physicist, or how math is applied in engineering.  

Science (Earth and Space Science): 

NASA has a wealth of websites and apps for exploring, investigating our Earth and under celestial objects. 

ELA/ History: 

Did you know that the National Archives has some great tools for deeper thinking with primary sources. Anything from sequencing, to making connections, to weighing evidence. Covering the Gold Rush in Alaska History, use the primary sources to investigate why so many people came to the North to explore for gold. 

Science (Chemistry)
Ready for a little play in making chemicals react, before you actually hit the lab and practice reactions. Check out this App.


Need to have a look at what your essay or story looks like for word composition, check out Word Cloud in Google Docs:

If you haven’t checked it out yet, check out Classroom Activities at Desmos. Students will work through interactive problems, and collaborate with classmates. This is a powerful tool to help students think deeper about math concepts.

Physical Education:

Need some fun apps to check out for Physical Education. Check out this list form SparkPE. 

ELA/ Math/ Science Formative Assessment: 

OpenEd now works with Canvas! If you have not checked out OpenEd yet, do take a look. It has assessments and activities organized by Common Core. Choose one, assign to your students. Students can take the formative assessments and get immediate feedback. 


Create an Impossible to Fail Quiz with Google Forms: 


Check out these great Google Hangout Videos about how to use Chromebooks in Foreign Language, Social Studies, ELA, and Math classes. 

Hour of Code: Dec 7-14th

It is that time of year again for Hour of Code. Help students learn the importance of Coding and investigate it as a possible career. 
Need Some Inspiring and Fun Videos: 

Be Inspired: 

Think Positive:  

Listen to Kids:

A Message from Kid President:  



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