
Showing posts from 2017

Canvas Basics

This month has been about working with teachers to help them get set-up in Canvas. After I finished a training on Friday I realized that one of the things teachers needed was a checklist for launching a course with students. But I also realized that the checklist needs to be different for new users and advanced users. This will not be too hard, because the beauty of Canvas is that they provide detailed support pages, so I can link to all of their how-tos and focus on the best set-up process and steps. Below is for beginners:

2016-2017 Reflection

Reflection Well it is way past time for my reflection. I have already decided that next year I would like to plan a bit earlier to maintain a weekly teacher reflection based on the goals that I am setting.  Perhaps my biggest issue is planning in the beginning of the year, reflecting more often and then by the time I hit Christmas, we are on a massive rollercoaster to the finish, and I have completely forgotten to stop and reflect.  I believe by adding events into the calendar to pause a reflection and refer myself back to my plan, I believe I will have greater success.  In the mean-time here are some thoughts from the 2016-2017 school year.  This year I had planned to focus my attention in the direction of 3 major projects: IVC Distance Delivery, Online Learning, and IT. The outcomes for IVC that I had set were to:  High quality IVC classes, extending CTE classes to all HS Targeted SSP and PLC Trainings: IVC Checklist focus (based on Dan...

Spring Brings Refreshing

It happens every spring. In Alaska our snow starts to melt, and we discover all kinds of things left, lost, and buried in different layers from the winter snow storms. I feel this is the same thing that happens to myself as a teacher as we approach spring. I begin to wrap up projects, self-assess on a larger scale, reflect upon the year and different events. Like items lost in the snow, I discover different projects or ideas started and forgotten, some probably a good idea that they were forgotten and some will be put on the slow cooker for next year. My poor, little blog is one of them. Every year, I dig it back out and tell myself I will return to blogging to share some of the materials, activities, ideas that I always have stewing. This year, I came across a lovely post from ISTE community to join Blogging Buddies . Timing was perfect! I have been clamoring all year (many referenced sticky notes and conversations) about the need for constant refresh from a PLN, but a gentle nud...