Edutopia's article, Code Literacy: A 21st-Century Requirement , makes a great argument as to why teachers should include some type of coding in the school curriculum. But I can just hear it now, "where do we fit in 1 more thing. " You don't. That is the simple answer, but the long answer is that it is time to think about what we are really teaching and decide what items are important and need to be done in the 21st century. Teachers are right, we can only teach so much in a short amount time, not to mention constant classroom distruptions. But when you look beyond these issues and focus in on important standards, ones were students are struggling, ones that will be required in the new work force, then we might think again about including coding as part of our literacy. Think about it, how many times have you come across HTML embed code and think to yourself, "That is really only for the geeky." When in actuality, it is a skill that is needed as muc...