Technology Tips and Tricks for September

Canvas Tip:
Did you know you can see who is participating, turning in assignments, or viewing pages in your Canvas course in 1 click?
Open any of your courses, on the right click on View Course Analytics. Scroll down and you will see general information about your course, and then data for each individual student.
Parent Login is also now working for Canvas. Have your parents create an account and they will be able to access your course materials and check on their student’s progress.
Instructions for Parent Login:

Email Tip:
Did you know that you can un-thread email conversations in Outlook and see 1 email at a time!
Have you noticed that you have threaded replies in your inbox. This means that you may see several emails joined together with an arrow to the left of subject heading. You can turn this off so that you see each email individually and not part of a threaded reply by clicking on the “Conversations by Date” at the top of the Inbox column, and selecting Conversations Off.
See instructions here:

Printer Tip:
Having trouble with a printer? It may need to be added as a Domain Name, which is the proper way to add a printer.
On Windows, go to add the printer and instead choose "Select the Printer that I want isn’t listed" at the bottom, Choose Add a printer using TCP/IP address or hostname, type in the address label from the printer. See these instructions for more details: Windows Add a Printer:​
On a Mac, go to system preferences to add the printer, and when you add, choose the tab that says IP at the top, and enter the printer address labeled on the printer. Also be sure to choose Select Software next to Use at the bottom and choose the correct driver for the printer. See the how to instructions below for more details.
Mac Add a Printer:

Lesson Ideas:
History/ Alaska Studies:
New York Times is having an Editorial Cartoon Contest. What a great opportunity to have your students take topics and condense down concepts and understandings into pictures.

ELA/ History/ Science
National Archives now has a Digital Vault where students can collect primary sources on just about any topic you can imagine. Then students can create a video or a poster with the content that they collect.

ELA/ History
StoryCorp is a fantastic project where youth do interviews and share the stories that are around them. StoryCorp is doing a special Thanksgiving project where students will create a video about wisdom, gratitude and respect across generations. To learn more:

ELA:  Google Story Builder
Have students quickly create a text based video using dialogue between two characters. Google Storybuilder:

Math: gMath in Google
Did you know that you can use LaTeX in Google Docs, or you can use speech to math! Or quickly create a graph in a document. Simply open a Google Doc, go toTools, and choose Add-ons and select gMath.

Foreign Language:
Google Apps now allows you to use speech to text. Go to file and choose the language and then go to tools and choose Voice Typing. Click on the microphone and start speaking.

Need a Fun Video:


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