More Places to Learn Tech Skills

There are lots of places to gain new Tech Skills, but probably one of the best things you can do is build a personal learning network (PLN). This is a select group of people or blogs that you go to or receive postings from to learn a little bit every day. This can take anywhere from 5 minutes to 1 hour, depending on how much time you want to spend learning something new.

But you can also go to specific sites to gain specific lessons as needed. Here are a list of sites from Free Technology for Teachers (one of my sites in my PLN) that you can go to for more skills:

So would you like to join a group to learn a little bit everyday? Come join my Edomodo Tech Group. I post little tidbits every few days and I love to provide support for questions you have. Just post your question and I or someone else in the group will help you, usually in less than 24hrs :)

How to join the Edmodo Group:
Go to Fairbanks Edmodo, login (you will need your school code, if you do not have it, email me and I will get it for you)
Once logged in, you will need the group code, again, for safety reasons, email me and I will send you a group code. :) Look forward to seeing you in Edmodo.


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