
Showing posts from 2012

Tip and Trick: Organizing Navigation Bar in Google Sites

Here is a quick walk through for organizing your navigation bar in Google Sites.  1. Click on More on the right hand side when editing your Google Site. 2. Click on Site layout and Select Edit navigation 3. Uncheck the box, "Automatically organize my navigation." 4. A new window will appear with links to all of your pages. Use the arrows to organize the pages.  5. Be sure to click save when done. 

Why Twitter

First of all, if you do not follow Edutopia's articles, you should. There are many thoughtful and great ideas about utilizing technology in education. Second of all there are often articles that get you thinking about why certain technologies are beneficial to educators.  For example, Edutopia's article, Five-Minute Film Festival: Twitter in Education , provides a good reason in a set of videos as to why Twitter is so beneficial.  Now having used twitter for a long time, I have not really thought about this, but if you are a first time user, you will find these ideas useful. 

Code Literacy and Infographics

Edutopia's article,  Code Literacy: A 21st-Century Requirement , makes a great argument as to why teachers should include some type of coding in the school curriculum. But I can just hear it now, "where do we fit in 1 more thing. " You don't. That is the simple answer, but the long answer is that it is time to think about what we are really teaching and decide what items are important and need to be done in the 21st century. Teachers are right, we can only teach so much in  a short amount time, not to mention constant classroom distruptions. But when you look beyond these issues and focus in on important standards, ones were students are struggling, ones that will be required in the new work force, then we might think again about including coding as part of our literacy. Think about it, how many times have you come across HTML embed code and think to yourself, "That is really only for the geeky." When in actuality, it is a skill that is needed as muc...

Google Images and Presentation

Did you know that you can embed your Google Images straight into your Google Presentation? Here are the steps for how to do this. 1. Create your image in Google Drawing. 2. Go to Edit > Web Clipboard> and Copy the Drawing to the Web Clipboard 3. Go to your Google Presentation 4. Select Insert> Drawing 5. In the new window, Select Actions.  6. Select Web Clipboard> Drawing (NOTE When you hover over the picture of the drawing, it will appear on the desktop.  7. Voila! You are done!

How to edit your google site link and manage your journal.

This lesson is specifically for how to edit a link to a collaborative google site page and to then edit and record your journal. Create a Link on Collaborative Page.  1. Click the pencil at the top right. This allows us to edit the page. 2. Highlight the word you would like to link: 3. In the new window, select open in a new Window, Select create a new page. 4. In the new window, enter teacher name, Select open in a new window, make sure it is under Home, and create new page. Then Click ok on the next window. How to edit your Journal Page.  1. Now click on the newly created link to your page.  2. In the new page click the pencil to edit the page, like we did above in Step 1.  3. Add the following information: What you teach, what grade level and content, what school, and what is your goal for this class.  (See example here)  4. Now go ahead and upload your picture or a picture that represents you. I will show here how to up...

So, What Are Google Apps?

Google Apps are commonly spoken but it is not always understood what they are. Google Apps are a suite of tools that were created by Google to be used in an online environment for free.  Though there are tons of Google Apps, the most commonly ones that are referred to are: Google Docs (Which include Google Doc, Form, Drawing, and Spreadsheet)  Gmail (Which include contacts)  Google Calendar Google Sites  The less  commonly known app s, but used fairly often are:  Google Groups Google Earth ,Google Maps, Google Sketch UP Google Blogspot (Blogger)  Google Search Picasa  Google Voice and Google Chat Google +  The majority of these apps can be found when you look across the top bar once logged into your google account:  When you click the more button, you will see an even more. This will take you to all of the Google Apps. 

Social Media for Teachers

Richard Byrne pinned and posted a great infographic to help teachers new to technology get invested in Social Media. Source: Uploaded by user via Richard on Pinterest

What is the deal with Copyright?

Is copyright confusing? Check out the following table from Hal Davison's site : eachers in the classroom make the decisions closest to the field of instruction and it is teachers that have been the greatest rights---rights that even their districts do not have. This Copyright Chart was designed to inform teachers of what they may do under the law. Please reproduce it as necessary. A pdf form of the chart is available at . CLASSROOM COPYRIGHT CHART   Medium What You Can Do   The Fine Print   Printed Material     Poem less than 250 words Excerpt of 250 words from a poem greater than 250 words Articles, stories, or essays less than 2,500 words Excerpt from a longer work (10% of work or 1,000 words, whichever is less--but a minimum of 500 words) ...

iPad Tricks

Really, knowing some tricks about the iPad is really like knowing some magic tricks, "look mom no hands!" This first  feature allows you to lock down an app so that a student cannot switch out of the app and they can only touch certain areas of the app: 1. Go to Settings > general> Accessibility> Triple-Click and turn on Triple click 2. Go to Settings > general> Accessibility > Guided Access and turn on 3. Now Go to an App and Triple click the Home Button (the only physical button on the iPad) 4. Circle the area that you want to lock down and press start. Also for those kids that want to type while holding the iPad (much like texting) 1. Open keyboard 2. Press and hold the picture of the keyboard  (the keyboard button) on the bottom right of the keyboard. 3. A menu pops up allowing you to split the keyboard or undock it. 4. Press again to return to Normal. Finally Gestures and the White Circle This one is because it appeared on one of the iPads at Hu...

Edmodo for the District

So you have decided to give our Language Arts Edmodo group a try?   Or perhaps you are just wanting to learn more about Edmodo?  Well you are in the right place! Many people explain Edmodo as a place on the web for teachers to get together to collaborate, discuss and share lessons, resources, ideas, problems, solutions, or something as great as having a successful day in the classroom!  To participate in our FNSBSD Edmodo group, follow the steps below:  1. Go to FNSBSD Edmodo: 2. If you already have an Edmodo account, log in with your FNSBSD email and password. If you do NOT have an account with Edmodo , click the "I'm a Teacher" button to sign up. 3. Enter your School Code. IF you do not know your school code, contact me at my Christina Hum FNSBSD email address.  4. On the left-hand side you will see a section for Groups. Click on the word join. Enter the code on the back of your f...

Social Networks

So what is the difference between all of these Social Networks:  Edmodo : Edmodo is more like a social network similar to Facebook. It allows for sharing of notes, links and documents in a feed like environment. It is not necessarily used for organizing content, but more for social sharing and discussing. Twitter : A way to share 140 Character thoughts, ideas, links, pictures etc. Moodle / PowerCourse : This is actually not a social network but a learning management system. A learning management system is a way to organize content for learning and teaching. It allows for interaction between students and teacher and students. Also in a learning management system students can interact with content such as videos, quizzes, interactive lessons etc. Google + : A social place to share info and links, much like Facebook. It also allows people meet and chat and videoconference. Pinterest : A social environment for following and sharing photos that you have pinned to your board....

More Places to Learn Tech Skills

There are lots of places to gain new Tech Skills, but probably one of the best things you can do is build a personal learning network (PLN). This is a select group of people or blogs that you go to or receive postings from to learn a little bit every day. This can take anywhere from 5 minutes to 1 hour, depending on how much time you want to spend learning something new. But you can also go to specific sites to gain specific lessons as needed. Here are a list of sites from Free Technology for Teachers (one of my sites in my PLN) that you can go to for more skills: Think Tutorial Learn It In 5 Make Use Of offers dozens of free downloadable ebooks and cheat sheets Google tools tutorials . You'll find more than thirty tutorials on that page .  So would you like to join a group to learn a little bit everyday? Come join my Edomodo Tech Group. I post little tidbits every few days and I love to provide support for questions you have. Just post your question and I or some...

Technology Skills and Vocabulary

Probably one of the hardest things about technology is the vocabulary that goes along with it. HOWEVER, and this is a bit BUT, reading about technology is NOT the same as using technology! The best way to understand and learn these skills is to create an PLAN to learn 1 skill at a time. Here are several sites for learning more about technology vocabulary: Common Craft Basic Explanations of Tech Words A list of Common Words and Definitions In addition there are many sites out there that provide basic technology skills for people:   20 Tech Skills by Guide 2 Learning   Kathy Shrocks Tech Skills in the Classroom The Journal's Review of Basic Skills Finally, I would definitely take a moment and read this ebook (it is short) about 21st Century Skills teachers should have: The 21st Century Skills Teachers and Students Need to Have

Social Networking

This is probably the biggest area that teachers need to gain skills on, in my opinion. So lets start with what social networking is: Social networking on the web is typically a website that connects people for a specific reason using a variety of tools or 1 specific tool. For example, we are all aware of Facebook being a social network website. It connects people together to share in common interests using walls, messaging, instant messaging, likes etc. Here is an explanation of social network: Social Networking by Common Craft Okay here are the most common social networks used by Teachers: Facebook Twitter Edmodo (Fairbanks Edmodo Site)  Wikispaces Classroom2.0 Google+ LinkedIn NING EDUblog There are most likely tons more, but these are the most common ones being used today. NEA has a great article here about Social Networking for teachers.  Probably the biggest concern I hear from teachers is who has time to post here and there and monitor all of the acti...

Basic Tech Skills Reviewed

Alright for the next few lessons, I want to refer back to some posts that I have made in the past and especially highlight specific skills for every teacher. Basic Skill: Copyright Basic Skill: Internet Safety Basic Skills: Basic Search and Site Validity   You may also want to check out the videos below:  

Spreadhseet and Database Basics

Spreadsheet and Database Tech Tips What vocabulary is there with spreadsheets?  Here are a list of vocabulary from Gilford School Distric t, but the most important terms you need to understand are Data, Cells, Columns, Rows, formulas, and functions.  Why Use Spreadsheets?  Spreadsheets are used because they are a great way to keep track of all kinds of data, including grades, quiz scores, observations of students, standards students are working on, vocabulary lists students are learning. In addition spreadsheets can be used to review and analyze data using graphs, filters and functions.  An Example of Spreadsheets being used :  Use a google spreadsheet that turns into a form to create a quiz for students on their vocabulary. When all of your students are done with the quiz, you can export their data in the spreadsheet to your grading program! Or you can view a graph of the data to help you see the most commonly missed vocabulary word. ...

Google Calendar

So there are lots of tools out there to learn about Google Calendar, but the thing that you need to understand the most about Google Calendar is that it is part of the Google Apps suite of tools and will integrate with all of the other tools (google docs, gmail, google sites etc.). So here is a basic video for learning an introduction of Google Sites: But here But here is also the support files from Google: Google Calendar Support Finally, here is a great resource from Mr. Sill's Site: Google Calendar by Mr. Sill

Learning to Use Google for Teachers

These are from one of my favorite blogs: Learning to use Google: Google for Teachers Google for Teachers II Google Docs for Teachers Google Earth Across the Curriculum 77 Web Resources for Teachers to Try This Summer web 2.0 ideas for teachers and educators

Email Protocols

Email Protocols Summary of Advantages and Disadvantages The main differences between IMAP, POP3 and HTTP are that IMAP leaves your messages on the server, POP3 email allows you to download you email and it can be deleted from the server. Both require a mail program to use and are platform independent. SMTP is used to send email. Finally, HTTP allows for a user to send and receive email using a web service. Advantages of using IMAP or that you can receive email on any computer, but it is slower. POP3 is much faster and uses less server space, but it works on one computer. Mail Component Desc. Send /Rec. Mail Client Acct. Access Message Location SSL Resource Microsoft Exchange Server Centralized server to administer mail services in a company Server of a client-server developed by Microsoft that utilizes their infrastructure products including mail, calendar, contacts, etc.J.miller Send and Receive mail Runs on Web Server Ma...

Remote Management

Remote Management Summary description of problem:     The purpose of remote desktop management is to be able to access computers or other devices remotely to configure, sync, update, install software or patches,  fix or support users on remote computers. The most common software used on Macs is Apple Remote Desktop (ARD) and on Windows, Windows Remote Support. Other remote management software include Real VNC, Chicken VNC, WebEx, GotoMeeting, and JoinMe.  But with any software there are both problems and solutions. Problems associated with remote management include computers sleeping, logging out, shutting down, having broken connections, and privacy.  If the software is not working due to configuration changes, firewall issues or there is a loss of network/ Internet connection then issues, though small, will not be able to be addressed. In addition, working on computers remotely also means that you are unable to see indicator lights to help diagnose issues, e...